Saturday, October 12, 2013

Nicole by OPI: Alex by the Books & Inner Sparkle

I'm so glad it's Saturday!  I have been going to bed early, so I have had (made?) no time for my blog at all, and for that I apologize.  I tore my MLC ligament skating at an event back in August (I had a blast that day, no regrets!), and last week I started physical therapy.  Well...let me tell you, its beating me up!  I have been going to bed before 10:00 pm, unheard of!  It has been worth it, I am already feeling a thousand times stronger and will be ready to be back on my skates in no time!

Anyways, back to topic.  I have two polishes to share with you today, at once: Alex by the Books and Inner Sparkle from Nicole by OPI. (Kmart has oodles of shades on sale for $3.50!)

Alex by the Book is from the Modern Family Collection, and it's the bottle pictured above.  It is a dusty, pastel mint.  I forgot to take a picture of it by itself!  The application was... meh.  I am wearing three thin coats, because the formula is on the thin side and went straight for my cuticles with the intention of flooding them.  It's still very pretty and I don't want to undermine it, perhaps because I LOVE Alex in Modern Family, and she gets it all the time!

I didn't try Inner Sparkle by itself, I am not sure if it could build itself to be worn alone.  What I will tell you is that this polish is super packed with small gold, baby pink and lilac hex glitter.  I (foolishly) began to dabble on my index trying not to brush a streak onto Alex by the books, and the glitter sat there like a mountain, I had to spread it out.  I applied one rather thick coat on the rest of my fingers in an effort to even them all out, but I think it would look nicer with a thinner coat, who knows! 


  1. I love the base color. its refreshing (:

  2. I agree with you, LOL very appropriate description of a mint color!

  3. A beautiful Polish again, By the way, I love your blog, I'll follow it Now!

