Sunday, October 27, 2013

Liebster Award Nominations!

Hello guys!  A few weeks ago, I was nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Gold Francine at  I was really new around here and decided to wait a few weeks before paying it forward.  Well... how fortunate am I?  I got nominated for a second award right as I was getting ready to post about the initial one!  This time, I was nominated by  

I decided to answer both set of questions tonight, so here we go!

The rules are:
1.  Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2.  Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
3.  Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
4.  Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination
5.  Give your nominees 11 questions to answer.


Here are my answers to Gold Francine's questions!
1.  Why do you have a nail blog ?  
I collect nail polish and have followed several nail blogs for a while, starting my own seemed like the next natural step to have a platform to share and interact with other nail polish enthusiasts.

2. What your family thinks about your hobby ? If they're aware of it, of course… 
My husband is the best!  He is just into my nail polish hobby as I am (he won't wear any though, it's for me!) and kind of my enabler, so no secrets there! He will text me pictures of new displays he finds at the store, cool stuff like that!  My kid thinks it's the best and we have oodles of fun with our polishes :)  

3. Which kind of finish do you love the most ? 
 Glossy!  It is rare that I ever finish a mani without a coat of Seche Vite, Color Club topcoat or NYC In a New York Minute.  I also like textured polishes a lot!

4.  What’s your favorite nail polish ? 
Essie Shine of the Times.

5.   You are cast away on an island, and only 3 things survive to the shipwreck. What they are ?
Oh man, the Girl Scout in me is full of shame, I'm going with water filter, knife and mirror.

6.  Who’s the strongest: The Thing (it's clobberin' time)or The Hulk (Hulk smash tiny humans)?
The Thing!

7.  When you blog ? There’s a specific moment in your day, or not ?
 I generally do all my blogging and swatching at night, but I try to catch daylight on the weekends.  

8.  Do you love tea ?
Yes!  Hibiscus iced tea is the best.  (Agua de Jamaica!)

9.  How many languages do you currently (and properly) speak ?
I am fluent in English and Spanish, a little bit of French and Purhepecha.

10. Do you like join challenges ?
I like the idea of challenges, I haven't properly joined any although I did give myself a Mermaid Week challenge mostly to narrow my swatch choices :)

11.  Stop talking about me. Let’s talk about you. What do you think about my blog ?
 I love your blog :)  I really like that most of your posts are written in English AND Italian, maybe I should do the same with Spanish!

My questions from ObscenelyBlue were:

1. How did you come up with the name for your blog?

I have always been a night owl, but being a stay at home mom really kicked my love for the night up a couple of notches because it's my “me” time. I usually surf the web and paint my nails at night, so it just made sense.

2. What is your favorite special effect type of nail polish and why?
I am crazy for flakies. No, really... check it out.  

 3. What draws you to certain colors of nail polish? I am pretty sure I have some form of nail polish ADD and my tastes fluctuate. For example, during winter/spring I was bananas for pastel cremes, but now I'm crazy about dark shimmers. So my answer is I have no idea!

4. If you had to put an animal on your nails, what would it be? I have never tried drawing owls on my nails but I do identify with them because they are nocturnal, so I'm going with owls!

5. Is there a kind of nail art that you really like, but have been afraid to try? Water spotting, I have had several failed attempts and I am afraid of the mess with nothing to show for it at the end of the day.
6. What is the most unique nail art you have ever seen? This is really hard, but back when Nail Pop LLC came up with the original circuit board design, my mind was blown! Now some companies put out decals but there is nothing quite like hers!

7. If you had to name a nail polish, what would you name it and why? Fuego Fury #3030, because that is my roller derby name and number.

8. What is your favorite nail blog to follow? I have too many favorites to list! I am going to say is my favorite nail related site.

9. Do you have any other favorite beauty products that you are passionate about? If so, what? 
I am a general make-up junkie and eye shadows are my other addiction.

10. Are there any particular polish makers who always amaze/impress you with their new creations? If so, who? 
I am in love with all the indie nail polish makers I am starting to learn about, I am expanding my collection into that arena. I knew of lines like Lynderella and Nerd Lacquer but with the stock troubles I stayed away for a while... until recently I had no idea how many, many more talented polish makers are out there, truly exciting!

11.What is the one thing that can always make you happy?
My family, a happy song, a new bottle of nail polish.

Enough of me already!  Now here are my questions for you:

1.  What motivated you to start a nail polish blog?

2.  Is there a particular space where you prefer to polish your nails?

3.  Who is your favorite polish maker?

4.  What has been the best compliment someone has given you about your nails?

5.  If you could only use one polish bottle at a time without opening the next until it runs out, which would you use up first?

6.  Do you have additional hobbies outside nail polish?

7.  What's the coolest mani you have seen?

8.  Do you prefer your nails long or short? 

9.  What is your nail polish pet peeve?

10. Do you polish your toe nails regularly too?

11. What's your guilty pleasure?

The blogs I am nominating are:

I know a few of you already have received it but hey, I'm new here still!  :)

Thanks again ladies for nominating me, I had a lot of fun with the questions and getting to know you as well!
