Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sinful Colors Coral Riff

Hi guys!  I am back with another of the new Sinful Colors shades I picked up from the new displays at Rite Aid (along with some re-promotes).  I have been agonizing really, trying to figure out how to share these because they have new and older shades, some of which I have already shared here before.  I decided to share the new shades alone first, as to give them their moment of glory too, and then add the re-promotes and share the proper collections together at the end.

I would have done this off the bat, but the truth is I haven't had enough time for all the swatching, editing, and writing it takes to share a collection at once.  So, my apologies for that.  I am aiming for next weekend for the big collection shares so don't forget to stop by!  In the meantime though, here is another favorite of the new bunch: Coral Riff.
Sinful Colors Coral Riff
Sinful Colors Coral Riff
Coral Riff is a beautiful bright coral red with some really cool blue shimmery flecks.  The formula on Coral Riff was also pretty nice, it has a crelly base but it is opaque enough to cover VNL after two coats.  I am wearing three for these pictures out of habit because the third wasn't really necessary.  Did I mention it has hidden blue shimmer!?!?!
Sinful Colors Coral Riff
Sinful Colors Coral Riff
I picked this shade up at Rite Aid for $1.99.  If you guys want to check out more pictures, Sarah at Seizethesparkle.com has some lovely swatches here, so go check it out! 


  1. Ooh, this one's a good one huh...tell me you picked up peppered amazon and mint tropics- they were my faves!

    1. I sense a love for green here :) I did pick them both up, they are so pretty too! I think Coral Riff and Curry Up were my favorites along with Peppered Amazon!

  2. I saw this one at Rite Aid, but given my general hatred for orange-based red shades on me, I opted for Peppered Amazon instead! :P It looks great on you though.

    1. LOL Thank you! I hear ya with those oranges, certain shades make my skin look ashy and I'm usually nervous about them, but I actually like what this one did to my skin. I am sure Peppered Amazon will be great on you, can't wait to see!
