Sunday, October 20, 2013

Orly Monster Mash - Mermaid Week: Day 6

Hi guys!  I am so excited to share with you today, because it ties both of my hobbies!

So first of all, you should know I play roller derby, my team's name is Delta Sirens.  The polish I am sharing with you today is what I wear to bouts (I sometimes sneak it when I NSO) and it's because it kind of matches our jerseys, which I actually pulled out and used as a backdrop to some photos, so that's where you see some sparkles from!

So, my most prized polish: Orly Monster Mash.

Monster mash is a clear base seriously packed with small and big hex green/gold holo glitter, and gold holo bars.  I am wearing one coat over Sinful Colors' Amazonian and one coat of NYC Grand Central Station as a topcoat.

 This stuff is seriously gorgeous, I have a backup bottle just in case... I went through half of one this season :)  Here's a shot of the bottle along with the logo on my jersey, because I love them both!

Well, what do you think?  :)


  1. Looks perfect with your jersey! Looks beautiful period. And you must be one bad mama to be a roller derby chick, LOL...:P

    1. Thanks, I am not as bad as you might think, I spent most of the season injured! LOL!
