Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mermaid Week, Day 4: The Holographic, Green Ocean and Mermaid Tears.

I am not gonna lie, more thought went into arranging the names of the polishes on today's title than I'd like to admit.  Really though, doesn't it sound like the title to an awesome sci-fi novel?

I have three polishes to share with you today so I'm going to get right to it.  First, we have Mermaid Tears by OPI, three coats.  Perfect formula!

Mermaid's Tears is a dusty seafoam that boarders on pastel, unlike Alex by the Books, this is not really mint and is significantly darker, definitely not dupes.  I'll be happy to swatch them if you guys want to see them side by side, let me know!

On my accent nail, I used L'oreal's The Holographic topcoat.  I have to say, I was a little disappointed.  The flakies are gorgeous with blue/green holo effect, but you really have to fish those little guys out! 

On the rest of my nails, I used Sinful Colors' Green Ocean.  I had thought the flakies might be similar to The Holograph's but nope!  Green Ocean also has glitter in addition to the magical flakies.  In this last picture you can have better look at them side by side: Green Ocean is definitely more green!

I only go to take one photo before my camera gave out.  The camera is now fixed, but alas, my mani is ruined after doing a bit of cleaning earlier.

Hope you guys had a fantastic Thursday!


  1. I bought the same flakies from Loreal lol and I agree it looks gorgeous but its pretty hard to get them out, and it makes my mani look goopy :( Very pretty swatches tho girl!

    1. Thank you! LOL, they got us good, didn't they? It's so dreamy in the bottle... grrr!

  2. That top coat looks amazing over Mermaid Tears. Sad that it took some work though. I find myself willing to do less fiddling with polish these days. The effect is gorgeous though.

    1. You and me both girl, the moment I opened that bottle I realized I wasn't going to have much fun with it and thankfully only used it on my ring finger. Makes me appreciate Green Ocean even more, that one is only topcoat thirsty, lol! :)

  3. You know what? I like the L'Oreal flakies over this, because the slightly goopy look reminds me of ocean sludge, the mermaid is just coming up out of the water, and something was stuck on her hands? Or is that just too gross? :P

    1. No not at all, I actually really like the look, hadn't thought about it as ocean sludge... now I like it more! it was the lazy in me doing the typing, lol.
